Iterate Every Day: Priorities, Progress, and Perseverance with Krista Babel

Iterate Every Day: Priorities, Progress, and Perseverance with Krista Babel

Join us for Simplified Organization Community Coaching:

Prioritize Daily and Weekly Goals: Krista shares how she aligns her priorities and obligations on a daily and weekly basis. We need to make a conscious effort to understand and address our most crucial tasks so we can have a sense of accomplishment and productivity.
Embrace Small, Meaningful Steps: We need to make the mindset shift from dismissing small tasks to recognizing their significance. Krista discusses the value of breaking down larger goals into manageable, meaningful chunks, reminding us that even incremental progress matters. This perspective helps us stay motivated and avoid discouragement.
Maintain Focus on the "Why": Krista discusses the importance of keeping sight of the purpose behind our actions, rooted in our faith and calling. Additionally, she emphasizes the concept of continuous improvement and iteration.

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